Thursday, April 21, 2011

Superintendent Hunter Resigns!!!

While this is fantastic news, it does not indicate "Mission Accomplished".  If the board, led by Susan Stoops, had figured this out even six months ago, with the input they were receiving, there might not have been a recall election.  But Stoops' behavior through this entire episode has demonstrated that she is not right for the school board.  Her desire to serve, her love of kids, and her experience in education, laudable as they truly are, do not compensate for her unwillingness to objectively consider the years of complaints about Mr. Hunter. 
Stoops has not demonstrated that she can act effectively as an overseer in the public interest.  That is not an easy thing to do, and the remaining (and soon-to-be-elected) board members should all be pondering the importance of that part of the role.  We thank them all for serving, and look forward to smoother sailing going forward.

In the meantime, please get out the vote!  Vote YES for recall!


  1. I find the timing interesting, in the midst of the recall action, a last ditch effort to get out while the getting is good and the SB vote supports the payout?

  2. How do we get to stop the payout? If you resign from a position you should not expect to be paid off.
